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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is another name for the outpouring or releasing of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus uses the name in the Acts of the Apostles before He ascends into heaven. He tells the Apostles to remain in Jerusalem and in a few days and you "you will be Baptized in the Holy Spirit".

In the early Church being Baptized or "Immersed" in the Holy Spirit happened just before receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. The Apostles would preach the Gospel and the Holy Spirit would fall on the listeners just as it fell on the Apostles at Pentecost. In response to their faith, the Apostles would then Baptize the new believers. Because we are often Baptized at young ages, we might find our sharing in the experience of Pentecost something that occurs later in our lives. However, this sharing in Pentecost is something that can be prayed for and asked for. It is a normal experience of the Christian life.


Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not another or alternative Sacrament in the Church. In many ways, it gives us a personal awareness of the gifts already given to us in the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.  Four main graces of Baptism in the Holy Spirit are often observed: 1)  Becoming very aware of God's love for us  2) Receving a love for scripture and prayer 3) Receiving a new heart that makes following God's law easy and avoiding sin less difficult. 4) Receiving a boldness to evangelize and witness to others using our particular gifts and charisms from the Holy Spirit. The first three graces are in many ways related to the Sacrament of Baptism and the fourth grace is very related to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Baptism in the Holy Spirit helps us understand and utilize the gifts given to us in the Sacraments.


In addition, many times when praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit, individuals receive other charismatic gifts such as the gifts of tongues, healing, prophecty, and resting in God's Spirit. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is something that can be prayed for and "asked for". You do not have to wait for it to happen to you. Looking over the list of the four major graces, you will see that these are graces that the Father is very likely to want to give us. While praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit does not have to include a remarkable experience or drastic change in one's life, our experience shows us that it often does coincide with a radical change in the disposition of one's heart towards God and prayer. Many people witness to "never being the same" again.

Life in the Spirit Seminars and Prayer Groups

Life in the Spirit Seminars are designed specifically to help you learn about and pray for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Our many prayer groups gather regularly to give thanks to God for his generous blessings and to share and pray with an openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Please check out our events page or prayer groups page to find a way to connect with us soon.

Leadership Team

Please visit our leadership page to learn about our Leadership Team

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